

about ASoMH

We Are A Modern Research Expert Company

The ASOMH membership is open to all Science Officers who serve the Ministry of Health Malaysia, which are Biochemist, Microbiologist, Physical Science Officers, Genetic Science Officers, Embryology Science Officers, Food Science Officers, Insect Science Officers and Forensic Science Officers.
Sample Preparation
Advanced Microscopy
how we works

Our Working Proccess

Clients Projects

General Proposal

Testing Begins

Reports Delivered

we provide the best research

Objectives of ASoMH

We Provide All Aspects Of Science Research

Foster cooperation and understanding between all members of the Organization and help each other in related fields.

Improve and maintain the highest level in terms of knowledge, skills, competence and ethics for members of the organization.

Enhance the role, importance and image and promotion of the Science Officer profession within the Ministry of Health to contribute to the development of the country.

Disseminate and inform all members of information related to Organization matters. This includes research and development work, investigations and new discoveries in the field of related science.

Collect funds to carry out activities such as seminars, courses, forums and so on with the condition of obtaining prior approval from the Organization Registration Department and related agencies.

Cultivate the spirit of integration and cooperation of the Organization with other related agencies or Organizations for the purpose of common interest.

Get involved in international meetings/forums and so on in the field of science related to improving the activities of organizations at national and international levels.

Publish bulletins and display the activities of the Society for the benefit of all members
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